16:31 PM

Finding Structure While Working/Studying From Home

As you are aware, UST is moving forward with the semester and many students, staff and faculty are working from home. This may be new for some of us, and just like any skill, it may take time to develop. Dr. Rose Signorello and Laura Castronovo, LMSW, of the Office of Counseling and Disability Services shared some tips on how to navigate working and studying from home so that you can feel productive, but also find balance:

  • Create a designated workspace (separate from your bed/bedroom, if possible)

  • Clean your workspace

  • Get dressed

  • Set SMART goals (SMART goals are specific, measurable,attainable, realistic and time bound).

  • Create a daily task list

  • Establish dedicated “class hours” and “study hours” (and these should not be 24 hours of your day)

  • Eliminate distractions as much as possible (we understand this may be difficult depending on your situation)

  • Communicate your schedule to anyone you share your space with

  • Remember to take breaks (get up, stretch, go outside)

  • Connect with others (virtual study groups, discussion boards, facetime with friends and family)

  • Have as much fun as you can (listen to enjoyable music, sip coffee or tea)

  • Be kind to yourself and others.


For up-to-date information on the University of St. Thomas, Coronavirus, and health and safety resources visit: www.stthom.edu/stayhealthy.