13:26 PM

Flor’s Formula for Today’s Tough Times

Flor DimassiAdversity does not want to get into a staring contest with Flor Dimassi, B.A. in International Studies ’92 and CEO of a successful global translation firm specializing in the oil and gas sector. The accomplished, statuesque co-founder and leader of GlobalSpeak Translations always stares adversity down.

Dimassi recalled, “As Hurricane Harvey was making its way toward Houston, we anticipated the possibility of flooding, so when the waters came, we were fully operational at a secondary location within 24 hours.”

This time, adversity comes in the form of an economy impacted by necessary COVID-19 precautions. Dimassi reminds herself that she has come through hardships before.

From her earliest days at UST, when she worked multiple jobs and went to school full-time, she has run into her share of life’s barriers and overcome them to reach her life goals. Over the course of her coups, Dimassi’s three-step formula for success became clear — have faith, take care of people, and come up with a strategy for action.

Step 1 — Pray

“My Catholic faith is strong, so the first thing I do is pray,” Dimassi said, “with complete trust and confidence that, without a doubt, God is there by my side in all that I do. I pray and pray and pray and do my part to take action, and God does his part through the love and strength that he bestows upon us all.”

Step 2 — Put People First

Step two is to take care of her people. Her teams consist of highly qualified engineers, scientists, educators, and legal professionals who deliver the quality results that are expected by her client base.

“During this crisis, my executive team and I are choosing to forego our salaries because our people come first. They have families, kids in school, rent, and mortgages.”

Step 3 — Be Nimble

Third, Dimassi believes business leaders must be forward-thinking, acknowledge any resistance to change, and embrace creative, effective solutions. As an example, her firm recently reinvented itself to provide services to a major conference in South America after pandemic precautions dictated that the live presentation event take place virtually.

She said, “We immediately incorporated a communications platform similar to Zoom that allowed multiple experts to present their materials along with our simultaneous interpretation.”

Dimassi said it’s impossible to know what challenge is next, but she feels ready.

“I always have my faith. And UST taught me to prepare for life and know that things you didn’t prepare for will be thrown at you. They empowered me with the tools, strength, and clarity to think it through and see beyond.”

Dimassi serves on the board for the Center for International Studies, where she is grateful for the opportunity to mentor others in learning her formula for dealing with adversity in life and business.