15:05 PM

Frequent Student Surveys Help Create Quality Learning

As UST moves to a robust online learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic, the University is reaching out to students on a regular basis via a short weekly survey to ensure that the student experience is positive.

Everyone is expecting a learning curve, albeit a short one, as UST sails smoothly to the end of the semester. These frequent surveys are just one initiative to bolster the personalized service that UST is known for. Because UST has small classes, it can work faster and smarter to address any challenges during this transition period.

“The pandemic crises has created unpreceded challenges and opportunities for all of higher education,” Dr. Chris Evans, Vice President for Academic Affairs, said. “As UST transitions entire curricula into online modalities on such short notice, the whole university has come together to ensure the continuation of quality that is expected of UST. Initiatives like frequent student polling is crucial for obtaining timely feedback that faculty and academic leaders can act upon quickly. We are truly grateful to all our students for choosing UST as their educational partner and are always looking for ways to improve our relationship.”