14:23 PM

UST Is Called to “Greater Things”

New Strategic Vision Launched on Opening Day Fall 2022

UST-Houston President Richard Ludwick at Opening Day 2022Within the energetic “bold-scape” of the fall 2022 Opening Day celebration, the University of St. Thomas-Houston President Richard Ludwick took the stage to enthusiastically reinforce “Greater Things,” UST’s new multi-year strategic plan to amplify its mission.

4 Key Objectives

Dr. Ludwick said Greater Things constitutes the “amazing voice” of our community and an “astounding alignment” on four key objectives:

·      Catholicity

·      Local and global reach

·      Being a premier campus

·      Exercising common sense fiscal responsibility

Building to World-Class

“I see UST building to a vital, world-class Catholic university,” Ludwick said. “A model for other higher ed institutions. A premier place. We will be an international academic player delivering a uniquely Catholic education in Houston, Texas — a great city of human flourishing.”

Looking out into the crowd of faculty and staff, he confirmed, “The strength of our organization comes from our people. You get to help define the way to our destination.”

Early Steps in Place

Some necessary steps are already being taken. Academic Affairs and Student Affairs are coming together. Also, Marketing and Enrollment combined to make their efforts seamless. Similarly, Advancement and University Relations will pool their strengths.

Experienced leaders are moving into key positions for Greater Things to leverage their expertise, like building national and international partnerships and developing global initiatives.

UST Prepares for More and More Students

 “We foresee continued growth for a greater impact on our students and the world,” Ludwick affirmed.

That means more students on campus. A new residence hall. A library transformed to be a bustling hub.

UST will leverage technology and partnerships in innovative ways to support this growth. For instance, St. Thomas’ MAX Studios has formed partnerships with media powerhouses and influencers such as Word on Fire.

A Promise of Students’ Potential for the Human Experience

“As we fulfill our strategic vision, students who come here will increasingly experience a hub of activity and the teeming excitement of a genuine Catholic culture. They will feel challenged in the right way and sense the acceleration of their potential for the human experience.”

Amid all the excitement, Ludwick said, “To make it all happen, we will ensure our dreams are backed up by reality. In other words, the financial sustainability piece is vital. And we’re so ready for this.”