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UST Offers Electrical and Chemical Engineering Degrees Beginning Fall 2021

With many successful years shepherding students toward their dream of becoming an engineer with the 3+2 Pre-Engineering Programs, University of St. Thomas – Houston now offers both Electrical Engineering (EE) and Chemical Engineering (CHE) degrees starting fall 2021. With scholarships and the right success tools, UST is recruiting Hispanics and low-income students to realize their dreams of becoming engineers. UST had already established a BS in Mechanical Engineering and a BS in Engineering Physics degrees.

$3M Grant Funds Scholarships

Recently, UST received a $3M Title V grant from the Department of Education to increase engineering career opportunities for Hispanic and low-income students, upgrade technology and provide for an Engineering Success Center.

Earn a Degree in Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering students with Dr. Brigid MellisUST’s Electrical Engineering program provides a strong foundation in general engineering, physics and other STEM subjects, as well as knowledge in specialized upper-division classes, such as electronics, microprocessors, control systems and robotics. The right electives allow students to tailor the curriculum to their desired career goals. Students will study in traditional, in-person classroom and laboratory settings, conduct hands-on research and receive design experiences and internship opportunities.

The Field of Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineers design, test and develop electrical systems ranging from smartphones to motors and household appliances up to large-scale systems such as power stations or communication systems. Employment opportunities cross a wide span of Industry. In the Houston area, the chemical and petrochemical industry, NASA and aerospace-related companies offer an abundance of electrical engineering positions to graduates, and the job potential is growing.

EE Fun Fact

Texas is one of the top two employers of electrical engineers in the United States. The average salary in the U.S. is $98,530. The average salary in Texas is $101,000 with a national job growth rate of 5%.

Earn a Degree in Chemical Engineering

chemical engineering studentsUST’s Chemical Engineering degree gives students a strong foundation in general engineering and other STEM subjects, as well as knowledge in specialized upper-division classes, like Transport Phenomena, Chemical Processes, Kinetics and Reactor Design. Various electives allow students to tailor the curriculum to their desired career goals.

Like the electrical engineering program, students participate in an array of opportunities from traditional classroom and laboratory settings to hands-on research to design experiences and internship opportunities.

The Field of Chemical Engineering

Texas, especially the area around Houston, is the No. 1 employer of chemical engineers in the U.S.

“There are abundant chemical engineering positions for graduates, and the job potential is growing,” Mellis said. “Other employment opportunities lie in the sectors of food and agriculture, pharmaceutical, environment and health.”

UST chemical engineering students will learn to apply the principles of chemistry, physics and engineering to design chemical plant equipment and develop processes for manufacturing products such as fuel, chemicals, drugs and food.

CHE Fun Fact

Texas is the No. 1 employer for chemical engineers in the United States. The average salary in Texas is $134,550 and $108,770 in other states with a job growth rate of 4%.

Additional Scholarship Monies Available: Butler/Braden Endowed Scholarship for Engineering

Alumnus and mathematician Lee Butler ’60, who spent his career in coastal engineering, gave a generous gift of $200,000 to establish the Braden-Butler Endowed Scholarship. The scholarship will help Hispanic and first-generation students in engineering to have a shot at a good life and career like Butler’s.

Meet the Faculty Who Support You on Your Journey

Dr. Brigit Mellis, chair of Physics and Engineering, tells students that earning this degree will be challenging, but the faculty will support them along their journey. “It takes your dream of becoming a great engineer to get started, your desire and hard work to keep going and your determination to cross the finish line to graduation, but our team will be supporting you each step of the way,” she said.

UST offers small class sizes, early internship opportunities, participation in undergraduate research and peer mentoring. Notably, more than 50 percent of the engineering faculty and more than 30 percent of the engineering students are women.

To learn more about UST’s newest engineering degrees or to apply, go to www.stthom.edu/CHE or www.stthom.edu/ELE.