11:50 AM

A Call to Prayer Amid Coronavirus

As we face uncertainty in the face of Coronavirus, Nicole Labadie, Director of Campus Ministry, invites us to unite in prayer to seek peace, protection and hope in these coming weeks.

Recognizing that the prayer language for many people in our community is Spanish, we have included spanish-language options as well.

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Prayer in the Time of Coronavirus

Comfort us, O Lord, for we are like your disciples on the storm-tossed seas, unsettled by what lies ahead.
We turn to You, our Healer and Guide, to still our hearts in our time of need and hear our prayer:
Heal those who are sick with the coronavirus and protect the elderly and most vulnerable.
Give strength to all who tend to our health and wisdom to researchers who work toward a cure.
Open our eyes and hearts, as you did during Hurricane Harvey, that we may look beyond our immediate needs to care for others who need help.
Through the Holy Spirit, guide our leaders to make wise decisions for the welfare of all the people they serve.
Grant eternal rest to those who have died from the virus.
May Mary, Our Mother, who has heard our pleas in the storms of our lives, intercede to her Son, that we may find healing and a prompt end to this illness.
Mary, Star of the Sea, pray for us.
Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, heal us. Amen.

Oración Durante el Tiempo del Coronavirus
Consuélanos, Señor, pues somos como tus discípulos en la tormenta que sacudió los mares, inquietos por lo que se avecina.
Nos dirigimos a Ti, nuestro Guía y Salvador, para que calmes nuestros corazones en nuestros momentos de necesidad y escuches nuestra oración:
Sana a todos quienes están enfermos con el coronavirus y protege a las personas mayores y a los más vulnerables.
Dale fuerza a todos quienes cuidan de nuestra salud y sabiduría a quienes buscan y luchan por encontrar una cura.
Abre nuestros ojos y nuestros corazones, como lo hiciste durante el Huracán Harvey, para que podamos ver más allá de nuestras necesidades inmediatas y ayudar a aquellos que necesiten ayuda.
Por medio del Espíritu Santo, guía a los líderes a tomar decisiones sabias por el bienestar de todas las personas a las que sirven.
Concede el descanso eterno a todos quienes han muerto por el virus.
Que María, nuestra Madre, que ha escuchado nuestras suplicas en las tormentas de nuestras vidas, interceda ante su Hijo, para que encontremos la sanación y un pronto final para esta enfermedad.
Maria, Estrella del Mar, ruega por nosotros.
Jesucristo, nuestro Señor y Salvador, sananos. Amen.

Additionally, with public Mass halted and the option to receive communion in the Eucharist unavailable to most, it is important to fortify oneself with a daily act of spiritual communion.

Act of Spiritual Communion (for times when we are unable to attend Mass):
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

-St. Alphonsus Liguori

Acto de Comunión Espiritual
Jesús mío, creo que estás presente en el Santísimo Sacramento.
Te amo sobre todas las cosas y te deseo con todo mi corazon.
En este momento no te puedo recibir en el Sacramento y te pido que entres espiritualmente a mi corazon.
Te abrazo como si ya estuvieras dentro de mi corazon y me uno a ti completamente.
Te ruego que jamás te separes de mi. Amen.

-Sto. Alphonsus Liguori

The Office of Campus Ministry is available to provide spiritual support to students via phone and teleconference at this time. Staff will also be sharing prayers and spiritual resources electronically in the coming weeks. 

To stay updated on Campus Ministry activities. Please sign up to receive our newsletters or follow us on social media @celtcampusmin.

To schedule an appointment with a staff member or Basilian father, please email campusministry@stthom.edu or contact one of our staff members directly.

Nicole Labadie, MDiv., Director of Campus Ministry labadin@stthom.edu, 713,525,3129

Max Linnville, MA, Campus Minister linnvim@stthom.edu, 713.525.6948.

Additionally, here are links to all Archdiocesan Masses being live-streamed.

And a comprehensive list of spiritual and prayer resources.