15:09 PM

Dr. Stuart Squires Expands the Center for Faith and Culture Through Podcast

Dr. Stuart Squires, associate director of Education and FormationThe Center for Faith and Culture works to understand and tackle some of the biggest challenges facing the integration of the Catholic faith in society. Through their wide network of professors, alumni and friends of the Center, they have access to some of today's foremost experts on some of the biggest challenges facing the Catholic Church and society. 

Dr. Stuart Squires, associate director of Education and Formation in the Center for Faith and Culture, is bringing those voices together to explore those topics in his podcast, Catholicism and Culture. Squires was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and has published a book, The Pelagian Controversy: An Introduction to the Enemies of Grace and the Conspiracy of Lost Souls, with Wipf and Stock.

Catholicism and Culture is a podcast from the Center for Faith and Culture at the University of St. Thomas that brings the Catholic voice to the ongoing conversation about the meaning of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness we hold in common as Americans. The Center seeks to understand and impact the relationship among the many facets of the American way of life in relation to God’s ongoing loving encounter with humanity.

The conversations in this series will present a variety of voices about the relationship between faith and culture in the American context and around the world.

The first six episodes have been published and can be found on “Anchor” and “Spotify.” Those episodes include:

  1. Faith and Science w/ Dr. Don Frolich
    Dr. Don Frolich, professor of Evolutionary Biology and fellow at the Center for Faith and Culture, discusses his teaching on the intersection between faith and science, one of the most hotly debated issues of our time.

  2. Campus Ministry at a Secular University w/ Claire McMullin
    Claire McMullin, current student in the MA program at the Center for Faith and Culture, discusses her work in forming college students at a secular university.

  3. A Personal Experience of Vatican II w/ Dr. Donald Nesti, CSSp
    Fr. Donald Nesti, CSSp, the founding director of the Center for Faith and Culture, shares his personal experience at the Second Vatican Council as a young priest.

  4. Faith and the Media w/ Duane Bradley
    Duane Bradley, alumnus if the MA program at the Center for Faith and Culture, discusses his multi-decade career in the media and balancing his Catholic faith with the secular work culture.

  5. Missionary Work in Communist China w/ Fr. Binh Quach, CSSp
    Fr. Binh Quach, CSSp, director of the Center for Faith and Culture, recounts stories of persecution during his time as a missionary in communist China.

  6. St. Thomas Aquina and Non-Christian Intellectual Culture w/ Dr. Brian Carl
    Dr. Brian Carl, assistant professor of Philosophy at UST’s Center for Thomistic Studies, tells us how St. Thomas Aquinas relied on Greek, Jewish and Islamic intellectual culture in the 13th century. 

New episodes will be added bi-weekly. For all current podcasts, visit https://anchor.fm/centerforfaithandculture.