08:45 AM

Facilities Operations Launches ‘Campus Readiness,’ Spruces up to Welcome You Back

Facilities Operations Power-washing Moran Parking CenterWhen you step back on campus, notice the hard work of our Facilities Operations team, under the leadership of Edgar Moctezuma, to update and beautify buildings and grounds.

Campus Readiness Campaign

Dubbed “Campus Readiness,” their efforts are “to bring our campus to life,” Allen Mann, Facilitates Support Services manager, said. Mann gives a shout-out to the custodial team, maintenance assistance and Core Landscaping for everything from cleaning the inside of buildings to power-washing buildings and walkways to landscaping.

“Newly contracted landscaping services will bring our entryways to life with flowers that add fragrance and color. Lemongrass will also be installed to help deter mosquitoes.”

Palm Trees Now Grace Guinan’s Front Entrance

Along with others in Houston who lost landscaping during the epic winter freeze, UST is working to recover from the setback. Spencer Conroy, vice president of Finance and Community Relations, who oversees Facilities Operations, said, “We will be planting palm trees in front of Guinan, and it will look awesome!”

Mann also praises carpenters, plumbers, air conditioning technicians, electricians and painters “who are making final preparations for our students to return to campus.”

Significant Renovations of Note

Conroy cited other significant renovations of note that include:

  • The first floor of Crooker Center is having a major overhaul. “It is going to look fabulous when it is done and should make for some great eye candy,” Conroy said. “We are dramatically expanding our dining area and our student support areas in Crooker.”
  • A larger renovation in Robertson Hall, home to the budding engineering programs, is also underway.
  • Athletics is getting a facelift in Jerabeck, and new batting cages have been installed. “These improvements are supporting the continued explosive growth of our athletic program under the leadership of Athletic Director Todd Smith.”
  • Doherty Library refresh is occurring with new furniture in some areas and new group study rooms on the second floor.
  • The Black Lab space is being renovated for use by alumni and to host community events.
  • The Moran Parking Center is being power washed.