14:26 PM

Helping Future Professionals

Adriana ChacónAdriana Chacón is part of what will be considered a unique class of college graduates. Students like Adriana will be remembered as those who finished the semester in online classes, those who will not have a conventional graduation, and those who will face a job market radically transformed by the Coronavirus.

“I will graduate in May with a bachelor's degree in marketing. At the same time I work in the university office of Career Services. Part of my job is to promote the virtual initiatives we are providing to all students who are about to graduate, ”says Adriana.

These initiatives include educational workshops through video conferences. These workshops, and conferences advise each future graduate to write their resume, make their cover letter, create their profile on Linkedin, and define a strategy to enter the job market.

The Career Services team, led by director Paula Marsh, is looking for each student in their final year of University, scheduled to graduate in May to assist them in their job search.

"Every member of our division," says Marsh, "is using digital platforms like Zoom, Skype, Instagram, and Handshake to answer student questions."

Although this moment fills millions of university students with uncertainty, for Adriana, this moment represents the opportunity to learn, grow, and help.

“As a student, I am living in unprecedented times. I’m proud to be part of this effort because we are doing the hand-holding for graduates to enter the job market successfully.”

The division will also lead round table discussions in which counselors will answer student questions in real-time.