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UST Offers Unique Master of Arts in John Paul II Studies

Saint John Paul IIThe University of St. Thomas Houston announces a Master of Arts in John Paul II Studies Program that is the first of its kind.

The John Paul II Institute at UST administers this Interdisciplinary study of the thought of John Paul II using philosophy, theology, literature and history.

“This flexible, online, interdisciplinary degree program is a systematic and comprehensive study of the thought and life of St. John Paul II in the context of modern history and culture,” Dr. John Hittinger, director of the JPII Institute said. “The capstone experience is a study abroad course where you follow the footsteps of John Paul II in his native Poland.”

If you are a faith formation director, Catholic educator, directors of religious education or other professionals who seek to acquire a philosophical and theological perspective on the challenges of the modern world by integrating faith and reason, then this MA in John Paul II studies is for you. Lay people who seek personal enrichment and intellectual formation would also find this program of interest.

John Paul II’s Influence on the Church and World

As the second longest reigning Pope in modern history, John Paul II had a decisive influence on the Church and the world. Through his many travels across the globe and his extensive writing of encyclicals, books and addresses, John Paul II left a tremendously rich heritage and legacy of thought bolstering the dignity and worth of the human person.

He was a “witness of hope” for millions, an advocate for the downtrodden and respected every human person whatever their ethnicity or religion. He was present at Vatican II and he spent considerable time and thought on clarifying and implementing the Council for the renewal of the Church and society.

His many gifts include the literary and dramatic, philosophical and theological. He established World Youth Day and he had much to say to the youth, to families, to university people, politicians and artists.

Register Today

For more information, contact Dr. Hittinger at hittjp@stthom.edu or 713-525-2155.

The University of St. Thomas is Houston’s Catholic University. For more than 70 years, UST has graduated students into successful careers in medicine, education, business, public administration and more. As Houston grows, UST will continue to provide the strong leaders and skilled workers needed to meet those demands.